Upgrading to CDK for Terraform Version 0.10
0.10 includes improvements to the provider code bindings, to allow referencing lists of computed attributes as a whole list instead of just individual items of that list.
We also shipped a lot of CLI improvements in 0.10, including support for multiple stacks in cdktf deploy
, cdktf output
, and cdktf destroy
Remove cdktf synth --json
Option #1640
If you are using cdktf synth --json <stack-name>
to get the synthesized JSON configuration for your Stack, you will now need to run cdktf synth && cat ./cdktf.out/stacks/<stack-name>/cdk.tf.json
instead. The ./cdktf.out
part is your output directory (set by cdktf.json
or via the --output
Model ComplexComputedLists as ComplexLists and ComputedObjects #1499
In an effort to streamline the interfaces of resources, computed attributes of the type list and set are now modeled as a separate ComplexList
type instead of being a method that directly takes an index and returns an item. This change also did change the type of the index from string
to number
// previously
const firstItemId = resource.listAttribute("0").id;
// new
const firstItemId = resource.listAttribute.get(0).id;
const firstItem = resource.listAttribute.get(0); // now possible
# previously
first_item_id = resource.list_attribute("0").id;
# new
first_item_id = resource.list_attribute.get(0).id;
first_item = resource.list_attribute.get(0); # now possible
// previously
string firstItemId = resource.ListAttribute("0").Id;
// new
string firstItemId = resource.ListAttribute.Get(0).Id;
ListAttributeItem firstItem = resource.ListAttribute.Get(0); // now possible
// previously
String firstItemId = resource.listAttribute("0").getId();
// new
String firstItemId = resource.getListAttribute().get(0).getId();
ListAttributeItem firstItem = resource.getListAttribute().get(0); // now possible
// previously
firstItemId := resource.ListAttribute(jsii.String("0")).Id();
// new
firstItemId := resource.ListAttribute().Get(jsii.Number(0)).Id();
firstItem := resource.ListAttribute().Get(jsii.Number(0)); // now possible
Referencing computed string map entries via function call #1630
In preparation for a similar change as to the computed lists, string map entries can now be accessed via a function call instead of using Fn.lookup
. Accessing the whole map at once now requires a different function call in the meantime.
const bucket = new s3.S3Bucket(this, "bucket");
// previously
const firstRuleStage = Fn.lookup(
const firstRuleTags = bucket.lifecycleRule("0").tags;
// new
const firstRuleStage = bucket.lifecycleRule.get(0).tags("stage"); // tags is now a function
const firstRuleTags = bucket.lifecycleRule
.interpolationForAttribute("tags"); // will be improved in a future iteration